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Dear Author!

The editors of the scientific journal “Wychowanie w Rodzinie” [Family Upbringing] would like to inform you that the website of the journal has been modernised - thanks to funds obtained from the Ministry of Education and Science - and transferred to a new international domain.

Visit the magazine's website

We would like to invite you to visit the modernised website of the scientific journal "Wychowanie w Rodzinie" [Family Upbringing]. As editors, we are constantly striving to improve the quality of dissemination of published content and friendly contact with both Authors and Readers. We hope that the new look of the website, as well as its improved functionality, will make it easier for you to use its rich resources and also to interact with our team.

At the same time, we would like to inform you that the scientific journal “Family Upbringing” received 96 points out of 100 possible in the expert evaluation and - consequently - became a beneficiary of the programme “Development of scientific journals”. With the funds obtained from the Ministry of Education and Science in this grant, the following activities were carried out:

We would also like to inform you that our efforts to continuously improve the quality and expand the scientific impact of the periodical “Family Upbringing” are reflected in the Announcement of the Minister of Education and Science of July 17, 2023, on the list of scientific journals and reviewed materials from international conferences by assigning 100 points to the journal.

On behalf of the Editorial Team, we would like to thank all the authors, reviewers, members of the Scientific Council, contributors, and people who have supported the journal in other ways.

We would especially like to thank the authorities of the University of Wrocław and the Karkonosze University of Applied Sciences for the opportunity to affiliate the journal with these scientific institutions in the various years of the periodical’s operation.

Remembering that behind every activity there is always a person, we would like to thank all those who have supported the journal, for their kindness, and trust.

We invite you to cooperate and publish in the pages of the scientific journal “Family Upbringing”.

Visit the magazine's website